Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Scribble, Scrabble

Friday the 20th
we took it quite easy.
After a chill day eating outside in the sunshine, sleeping naps, talking and enjoying life we thought it'd be time for Petra to visit Amsterdam's night. It was Chris' Birthday so we went to meet up with the guys and had a few drinks. Later Alex and Yana joined us, too.

We got tired and decided to take the last train home instead of staying in Amsterdam for all night. After visiting the RLD's Friday freak show, of course.

When we got to Haarlem, our energy level was higher than expected. Petra's last night, last time to spend quality time with the Jyväskylä "neljä for life" -Haarlem residents.
So, we went to an Irish pub to play a game of Scrabble.

Night continued till 4am. Obviously.
Who won? A-lex.
But I totally take credits for that!!!
I made up his last word!
So basically I won, right? ;-)

Scrabble at 4am can get a little interesting. Words like Pheezy suddenly become...real.

In the morning of the 21st it was time for an early wake-up, and to take Pheezy-Go-Bing-Petra to the aeropuerto. Safely got back home and can't wait to see her in, what, 38 days latest. And doing what, going where? To be revealed!


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