Karen came to visit me on my last weekend in London.
We were invited to have dinner and pre-party at Johannes' apartment with him and his flatmates.
Coco had prepared tasty French crepes and Johannes had made tasty sauce for it. We met Francesco for the first time. He provided the humor. What a guy.
We provided drinks.
I'm craving for those crepes as I type.
After our delicious dinner Johannes' classmates started arriving for the pre-party.
Nobody had told us it was carnival! Helloooo!
People were all dressed up and had seen so much effort in they awesome costumes.
Johannes is lucky to be surrounded by so friendly and kind people. His classmates and house mates are all super nice and I felt like I'd known them for a longer time. Oh how I wish I would have! I surely should have joined the times I was asked. In the future tiredness will not be a valid reason for me to miss events like these anymore. Please remind me, ok? Maybe I should make myself a board with the phrase 'tiredness is not a reason' on it.

What a great night. As Johannes and his classmates continued to an open bar party Constance, her friend, Francesco, Karen and Me went to Camden's club Coco, which is right next to the Purple Turtle where I went to see Franco. (read here) I'll post more about Coco later. Hilarious night out. Sure was carnival... hahah!
Many thanks for Mr. Johannes, or Miss Black Swan should I say, for letting me use his pictures!
Karen has quite a few from the night + weekend, too. I'll post them for you once I get back home from Cuba. Or more likely when Karen sends them to me. ;-)
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