Thursday, December 9, 2010

I Have a Dream

No, no, no...I can't be sick.
But I am.
(Note to self: Don't leave the window open for the night ever again.)
And what have I done these two days? Not much.
Used 21092 handkerchiefs,
Ate loadsa chicken soup (Thank you Batu, my hero!)
Drank loadsa tea (James, merci beaucoup)
Tried to get some super energy from yesterday's super smoothie
and watched mo mo moooovies:
Napoleon Dynamite - hahahah, cute.
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist - loved it. just the kind of easy teen movie i love, ha.
A Finnish film called "Miehen Työ" - what can i say...sad but ok. not exactly my cup of tea.
And on Monday with Paulo, Luis, Sara, Elena, Daniel, James and Daniel's friend we watched:
L'auberge Espagnole - umm.. I was half sleeping. nothing really happened in that movie, I think. "Erasmus life in Spain"
Any movie suggestions for tomorrow?

PS: We are celebrating Sinterklaas with folks tomorrow and I still have to buy my gift for person X and write a poem hahaaa! So I mustmustmust feel better tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

(this used to be my ringtone when i still had a phone with MP3 -possibilities haha. i love it.)


  1. Lovely, the Dutch word for chicken is kippen? Ain't it awesome that "kippen" is what we call cigarettes in Berlin? Imagine my confusion just now :D

    Get well soon! =)

  2. yeh, chicken is kip or kippen, i dunno what the difference is :)
    hahaa languages are just great with all the different meanings. i prefer the dutch kippen to the berlin meaning ;)

    thank youuu :)

  3. me too. I guess it would taste horrible as a soup (or no matter as what) :D and probably not helping against a cold at all.
