After Ellu left me, I had a couple of days time to clean my room again and welcome a new guest.
Inkku came for his last LDN visit!
The very same day, after work, we headed off to Maria's place to have a little bye bye gathering for Jaleh who was leaving the next day.
Jaleh has stalked me for the past years, first moving close to me in our student city Jyväskylä, then going on exchange to the same country as me and getting an internship at the same company as me. And no, I haven't stalked her, it has definitely been the other way around! Hha.
Now our roads departed, as our future destinations are different.
3.5years of laughs together changes into online communication. Ah well, I know for sure she will come visit me, and maybe I'll pay a visit to Jyväskylä aswell. ;-) ...on Monday already.
Read more about our goodbye party for Jaleh 'Happy Apple' from her blog here.
I must say my memory is struggling to combine places and times together. If I remember right, though, our Wednesday was spent with arranging some stuff at the police station, as well as doing a little shopping. Followed by a lovely cafe chat moment at Nero Covent Garden was one of the day's highlights. We got invited to one of my ex-colleagues gigs on Brick Lane, so we headed off there for the evening.
The night's line-up was:
The Mock Deers
Shacklewell Row
Platform Location
Light Parades
We were just on time to see my colleague, Ben's, band play:
Platform Location. Find them online here.
We also stayed to listen to Light Parades.
It was the band's single release for 'Sparkle'. They also played the music video on the background as they ended their gig, and the whole night, with the single.
The band got a big cheer and many, also at least 2 ppl out of our gang, went to buy CD's.
I superly enjoy the video for 'Sparkle'. Check it out:

From the gig we headed back home. Went to enjoy the amazing view from just 2sec away from my house. Yes, the view I've hyped about many times. Yes, the view I oh so badly miss already. Yes, the one part where you can view and love the city of London in pure peace.