Having a day off tomorrow, I got stuck on looking at old pics. So, here you go - a post from the veryvery past. Enjoy. :-D
Linda 2006?
Linda 2006
2007 canoeing in a storm, yay!
Disney World, Orlando, 2008 (?)
Everglades, 2008
On set, Miami 2008. But what set?;-)
Fort Lauderdale beach, 2008
Year what? Summer 2007?
Highschool graduation 2008 (photo by H.Kinnunen)
Pori Jazz -festival 2008
Photo by K.Laine (summer 2008)
Morning of my 18th Birthday
18th Birthday
2008 - the crazy year of second hand shopping
First study year Jyväskylä, 2008
Oh gosh, there are so many pictures! Can't stop laughing. Great memories and hilarious clothing choices. Could it be 2008 again, so I could get my long thick hair back?
I have no idea why, but this song has been playing in my head for the whole day.
Yesterday's yummy couscous with the girls. (ORGANIC!)
Today I had my second presentation with my partner Sara (still one to go) which also went nicely! Am really satisfied. It was about a song pitch we had to do for a commercial and also scouting for a new artist and catalogue. Enjoyed doing the assignment because song pitching into commercials is something I'm really interested in and thinking of being a possible career sometime. I'm also really into music and image synchronization for movie scenes since the psychological aspects of the mix has many exciting points that have to be taken into consideration.
Also Yana, Alex and Petteri came for our late "Sunday Dinner" and we made some super yummy Indian food.
Well, you can find out the info here. This isn't a new topic in the music industry but for many mashups are still an unknown genre.
Listen to a mashup. This one is "Bodies Hit The Floor" by Girl Talk.
Last week we watched a documentary called 'RIP a Remix Manifesto' in school. I had seen it once before but I have no idea when and where! Great memory.
As Wikipedia says: "RIP!: A Remix Manifesto is an open source documentary created by Brett Gaylor and Greg Gillis (Girl Talk). The film consists of a remix of clips submitted by numerous contributors to the Open Source Cinema project. It focuses in particular on the legal grey area of remixing existing copyrighted works."
Today it was time for discussion. Here are some of the questions we discussed:
- Do you think that if you manipulate an existing song enough you can eventually claim it as your own creation?
- Where do you draw the line between copying and creating?
- Do you think sampling can be considered an instrument akin to guitars, drums etc?
- What do you think is more important, the creative process, or the final product?
- Do you believe there are forms of music that are not built on past works?
- Do you think you can argue your creativity when it's based on other people's work?
- Copyright laws were originally intended to encourage people to create. Do you think that intention has changed in recent years?
- Lars Ulrich states, "If artists aren't profiting, you're profiting illegally." What do you think of this statement?"
- How do you think the Internet, with the advent of Myspace and music blogs, has changed your chances of being a successful musician?
I find mashups exiting. Of course they are a mixture of other people's work but I do find it as an interesting new art-form. What about, who is the right one to earn money for mashups? Yeah, tough one. The artists behind the original tracks have done a lot of work but so has the mashup artist. Everyone deserves a share? But what share and how? Everything has its' pro's and con's but one idea heard in class sounded reasonably good to me: "Mashup artists should stick to live performances and forget about recordings, this way copyrights would be much easier to solve." Then again, is it the restriction of creativity? Creative commons, creative commons... Tough one, though. The discussion in class was nice but of course we couldn't get any final answer - there is no wrong or right.
We also started to discuss about opinions of what is going to happen in the future now that artists get less money from record sales (as they are decreasing), what is the value of social medias for artists and so on. Then an opinion was made that 'nobody will be willing to make music if no profit can be made'.
This made me think.
Okay, maybe not - the music business is a BUSINESS, right? But do you really think the making of music will totally disappear if you don't get paid for doing it? I doubt it.
Things in life change. Companies are formed, companies die. Cassette-players are a hit, cassette-players are hardly in use. CD's sell, then they don't. Something will come next. Brains can make profit.
Could anyone ever believe that the music business could change from a money business to a music business?
We'll see about that. Probably not, though. The music business is so huge and everyone wants money - the more the better, hhu? Most likely new inventions will come and people will do anything to keep the business alive. And yes, as in keep the business alive.
I'm not saying artists don't deserve money from what they make - not at all. I'm not saying that any the music business is a huge terrible money-monster nor that money shouldn't streak around it. Neither am I saying I don't want money. I'm just thinking. Thinking of possibilities in the music field and I find it interesting! Yet...remember that I am studying Music and Media Management and want to make a living out of it, too. ;-)
Anyhow, how and where do you see the music business in a few years? What do you think about mashups? Is it misuse of someone else's property?
Miss K left us a great note as seen above. So. She wasn't alive enough to join us for present shopping.
E, this song is for you hahaha (just because of our Thursday's hype dancemoment):
We celebrated E by having a romantic dinner! How lovely. First we thought about sushi but our budget liked a home-made meal more. We even tried to get James as our waiter but he wasn't too fond of the idea.
Guess what E god as a present? AN ALARM CLOCK of course! No more dreaming til 4pm, E.
Monday smoothie was a random one. Mixture of green and cocoa.
- a lot of different salads, spinach, MSM, cocoa powder, lucuma, maca, apricot kernels, orange, 'lil bit of orange juice, water, salt, banana, different nuts, purple corn flower and pollen. Weird mix - but good!
Tried the Les Mills bodypump today for the first time and it was nice. Ooh and also did body balance which I enjoyed even more!
Ooh and my car doesn't work! It won't start up, great.
And I can't get my bills paid because I don't understand Dutch.
And I went to the bank today. And it was raining - again - alot.
And the bank was closed.
And and and I had an interesting morning with the janitor coming into my room this morning...
For many days now I've wanted to dress up something nice but all I end up wearing is lame sports clothes or so. Haven't been bothered to think too much about what I wear - therefore no outfit posts.
OH! It's been already 3days of no blogging. Time goes so fast - so much has happened. I warn you this post will be looong!
I still have a bit of a flu but it's all much better now.
I'm going to have to check my pictures to see what I've been doing. Was already writing that I have a ridiculously bad memory but that isn't actually true. Am just too lazy to think about what I've been upto since pictures will tell it all.
The past few days have been a blast. No school, amazing weather, the best of friends, the funniest adventures, the weirdest "compliments" and what not.
But then yesterday night I started watching The Notebook -movie and awww it was so sadgood. Made me miss all my friends in Finland!
On Wednesday evening we went out for a drink, such a warm weather it was.
The paparazzi spotted also Annaïs and Daniel.
James' attempt to take pictures. Yeah.
Attempt number 2.
On Thursday our road led to Amsterdam with Annaïs. I hadn't been there for more than 3hours during our ESN city (red light district) tour and wanted to see more. Therefore I took my personal professional Amsterdam guide with me.
Rimmel - a word that can be understood in many ways. A brand or mascara.
We went to buy concert tickets to Imogen Heap in Melkweg on the 23rd of November after which a little waffle treat since our lunch was terrible and terribly spicy.
Random friend came to interrupt my "Hey look, they have Iittala here too" -pose.
On Thursday evening we went to Patronaat. I had wanted to experience the Thursday night out ever since I came here because I heard it's the best student's partyday. And so it was!
Cousin, little sister, big sister!
I can't stop laughing at this picture. Who on earth is that guy behind me?
As Petteri said: The club of the mentally challenged?
Our calm, beautiful weathered Friday was just great, too.
Me and Kristina went to hang out on the beach of Bloemendaal.
Hope everyone at home is good, hope everyone in general is good.
Now I'm off to eat my supergreenaftergymsupersmoothie, hha.